James White Library Services During COVID-19

   Library | Posted on June 4, 2020

The James White Library is closed in accordance with the Michigan State Governor's statewide "Stay Home, Stay Safe" order.


  1. Borrowing: Loan periods have been extended, the number of renewals has been increased, and all fines will be waived.
  2. You can borrow physical books from the Library. Please send your requests to circulation@fatemeeting.com or call 269-471-3158. Books will be sent to you by postal mail. If you choose to pick up, follow the guidelines below:
  3. Document/Book Pick Up: Pick up library items that have been checked out to you from the book truck at the vestibule (the accessible area between outside doors that are always unlocked and the inner doors that are the main entrance, now locked due to the Library’s closing during the pandemic). When your items are available, we will send you an email asking for your best time to pick up your item(s). After confirming with us through email your best time, a label bearing your name will be attached to your items and placed on the book truck in the main entrance vestibule. The library staff is here Mon-Thurs 7am-4pm and Friday 7am-12pm.The truck will be moved from the vestibule into the library after working hours. If the item is not picked up by the end of the agreed pick-up day, please arrange for another pick-up time.
  4. Document/Book Return: If you are around campus, you may return your books into the drop box at the vestibule (the accessible area between outside doors that are always unlocked and the inner doors that are the main entrance, now locked due to the Library’s closing during the pandemic).  If the dropbox is locked, place your books in the boxes provided. If you live far away, keep library books until we give further directives.
  5. Scanning Services are now available for book chapters and articles from print journals that are available in the Library but not covered in our databases. You can make requests that scanned chapters be delivered to you. Please send your requests to circulation@fatemeeting.com.
  6. Interlibrary Loan Service continues. Make your requests by completing the ILL Form.
  7. Liaison Librarian Services: Please contact your liaison librarian for Library instruction, resource needs and research consultation.
  8. For detailed and updated information about Library services during this crisis, refer to the Library web page at COVID-19 Library Services Continue.

   Margaret Adeogun